• Design Specifications

    Describe the design you have in mind. Include any sketches or reference images if possible. Specify the type of jewelry (ring, necklace, bracelet, pendant), and detail the design elements such as shapes, patterns, and overall style (e.g., vintage, modern, minimalist)

  • Materials

    Specify the materials you want to be used. This includes the type of metal (gold, silver, platinum), the type of gemstones (diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, etc.), and any other materials (enamel, leather, etc.). Provide measurements to ensure the jewelry fits perfectly. For rings, give the ring size; for necklaces and bracelets, provide the length

  • Sizing

    Provide measurements to ensure the jewelry fits perfectly. For rings, give the ring size; for necklaces and bracelets, provide the length

  • Gemstone Details

    If your custom order includes gemstones, provide details about the type, size, cut, and quality of the stones. Mention any specific requirements for color, clarity, or carat weight

  • Engravings

    If you want any engravings, specify the text, font, and placement on the jewelry

  • Budget and Timeline

    Mention your budget for the custom order and any deadline you have in mind for when you need the jewelry to be completed